Minds in Motion is a social program that combines light physical exercises and cognitive stimulation for individuals living with early to mid-stage Alzheimer’s disease or othe...
This is a one-hour guided tour of the AGO for people living with dementia and their caregivers. The tour is facilitated by an experienced AGO Docent and is assisted by Alzheimer Society of Toronto’s ...
Location: Toronto Memory Program https://www.torontomemoryprogram.com/contact/
This 8 - week program is for family caregivers of people with early and mid-stage dementia. An Accredited program of the Sinai Health System Reitman Centre CARERS ...
This workshop will provide caregivers with an overview of services available for people with dementia and their caregivers. Services reviewed include dental care, housing, some OHIP covered services...
Community Association for Riders with Disabilities (CARD)
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This is a 5-week program for people living with early to mid-stage dementia and their caregivers, created in partnership with the Community Association for Riders wit...
This workshop discusses myths and facts of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. It is an interactive workshop that provides the opportunity for open discussion and questions regarding dement...
This educational workshop aims to give caregivers an overview of issues related to long-term care (LTC). The goal is for caregivers to learn about how the decision for LTC could hav...
This workshop discusses myths and facts of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. It is an interactive workshop that provides the opportunity for open discussion and questions regarding dementia.