Palliative Care in Dementia Program - ONLINE
PRE-REQUISITE: You must be a FRONTLINE HEALTHCARE PROVIDER and have attended either: 1. Dementia Care Training Program (DCTP) -OR 2. Dementia 101 series on Alzeducate OR Dementia 101: Overview of Alzheimer Disease and other Dementia (check events calendar for dates) Description This training program is aimed at enhancing the knowledge of frontline staff in caring for people with dementia using a palliative care approach. This program focuses on promoting quality of life and comfort for individuals living with dementias and their families, with particular emphasis on late stage and end of life. Participants will explore their own beliefs around dying and how it impacts care as well as examine what a palliative care approach means through a dementia lens. Learning Objectives:
Thursday - September 30th from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Participants will receive a certificate of attendance upon successful completion of all requirements.
Program will be presented online using Zoom. Registration is required.