Young Carers Support Group - ONLINE


We have limited space available to this free support group, pre-screening is required before you could attend.

If you wish to participate, click here

The content of the support group is driven by the participants with an emphasis on concerns experienced by carers 16-35 years old. Some sessions will be held in-person, and some will be offered through an online platform.

Participants are encouraged to speak about issues of importance to them and to suggest topics for future discussion.

Learning Objectives:

  • Provide a safe environment for young caregivers to explore issues related to caring for someone with dementia or MCI
  • Enhance caregiver’s knowledge of the illness, available supports and coping strategies

Group meet every 3rd Tuesday of every month online using Zoom


Category: Alzheimer Society Toronto, Young Adults, Family Caregivers, Support Group,

Time: 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

This event does not require an RSVP. Registered users can request event reminders.